Thursday, December 15, 2016

Successfully Represents Area Hospital before IRS

Dr. Charles Willey is the CEO of Innovare Health Advocates in St. Louis, a medical group employing five physicians and five nurse practitioners in five offices. The good Doctor is a prominent and well-respected internist, who has been practicing medicine for over 30 years. In this capacity, he has spent the majority of his life improving the long-term health of his patients.

Unfortunately, says Dr. Willey, the greatest barrier to this goal is government intervention into my professional judgment, my office management and my patient care (Amen to that).

He went on to say that ObamaCare is being increasingly recognized as a "train wreck." Trust me: it is demoralizing doctors, distracting providers toward bureaucracy and away from patient care. It is disrupting quality and access, and damaging health.

The formula for this chaos is simple: Increasing access to care was a central ruse in passing the ACA. Cost is the most important factor in access to care. Government involvement in health care increases cost. As the ACA accelerates this increasing cost, it will accelerate decreased access.

Selig Team

Now, contrary to the clear legislative language in ObamaCare, the administration is directly impeding my ability to design a health plan with proper incentives and long-term affordability for my own employees.

I have always offered quality health insurance to my own employees, striving for a benefit design which increases their short-term economic incentive to become and remain healthy. As a physician, I know this is a critical strategy to fight chronic illness, especially self-manageable conditions such as obesity, COPD and most type 2 diabetes.

The IRS has, unlawfully, substantively rewritten the employer mandate in the ACA by expanding its enforcement into states where the clear language of the ACA says it does not apply.

The ACA states that companies with over 50 employees in states with state-run exchanges (that is, participating states) that fail to provide "minimum value" health benefits for their employees are subject to penalties if their employees obtain insurance subsidies through a state-created exchange.

If the state in which the employer does business opts out of creating a state exchange, as the State of Missouri has, then the employer is not subject to this penalty.

The legislative language is clear that this applies only to exchanges established and run by state governments. The legislative history shows Congress set this up intentionally to encourage states to create their own exchanges. It is doubtful the bill would have passed without this provision. Along with individual citizens and small business owners from five other states,

I am suing the federal government to stop the IRS' abuse of its power. Our lawsuit aims to uphold the rule of law by overturning an IRS power-grab that Congress forbade.

As a physician employer of over 50 employees in Missouri and a free citizen, I should have the liberty to choose my own employees' health plan without government intervention into its benefit design, and without penalty.

That is a liberty that Congress and the good State of Missouri preserved for me, and I am duty bound to protect that liberty not only for myself, but for the good of my patients and for my loyal, caring employees.

The IRS cannot and will not take that liberty away.

If your Medical Practice is in trouble with the IRS or State, you need an experienced advocate to stand up and protect your rights. At Selig & Associates, Inc, we meet with each and every client personally, and your first consultation is absolutely free. Selig & Associates, helping New Yorkers, one client at a time. 

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Exposing “Tax Resolution Firms” and “Reverse Mortgage Hucksters”

Sunlight is the Best Disinfectant. Out of State Tax Resolution firms and Reverse Mortgage hucksters are victimizing senior citizens, says David Selig of Selig & Associates. Before you or a loved one hires one of these firms or agrees to take out a mortgage against your primary residence - speak to the good folks at Selig & Associates,Inc. At Selig & Associates, each and every client is represented be a Federal Tax Practitioner and Licensed Attorney. Your first consultation is absolutely free, and we’ll help you (or your loved ones) anyway we can.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Tax Representation and Selig Realtors

Many things happen for the first time in our life, we all are aware of this phrase and its true also as each time we cannot able to solve different matter which is not our cup of tea. For particularly such case we need a help of professional that could help us to sought out with such issues in which they have years of experience and can come up with expert advice. Even many a time there is the situation in your life where you had to ask help of such people, no matter how much you are good in the same profession, for example, a time real estate, advocacy and many more.

In such particular field, you have to be updated with day to day knowledge and year of experience so that you could easily differentiate what all options are available for to tackle any kind of situation that are being generated by the opponents parties. For all this reason this we have the full support of Selig and Associates who are the well-known expertise of Florida and have great skilled knowledge and tactics in fields like tax representation, real estate, mortgage, IRS agreement and much more such things which are related to advocacy and illegal administration. 

Selig Realtors

So, this time if you are seeking any kind of help particular in the above field mentioned then you could do and apart this if you are looking for some real business in property handling or real estate, that too in are located in Brevard County also well known as Florida space coast then you could also do so. As Selig realtors as available with their best resources and experiences to carry out your business fortune in success manner. Even they also provide you with the facility to make free conversation and consult for certain matter as well.

Therefore at any moment now you could easily make the difference between the options which you would going to prefer each time to carry out your personal and professional issues. Isn’t it better to go with one full-time solution rather keep on dangling with the small issues and creating kiosk to our own work and making mole out of mountain for an easy thing, just because of one mistake which we did to choose a right person for help and advice? So, it’s always better to choose wisely and live well. 

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Stop blaming Banks and Stop Punishing Taxpayers!

Zombie Houses, viz. homes that have been abandoned, attract criminals, squatters, rapists and bums. Moreover, when a house is abandoned property taxes go unpaid and surrounding homes are devalued. Thus, Zombie Houses increase our tax burden and simultaneously diminish the quality of our lives. So let’s set the record straight and clear the air, says David Selig of Selig and Associates. First of all, people who borrowed money aren’t victims, they’re volunteers. No one forced them to borrow; no one made them default, and nobody told them to run away from their responsibilities. Secondly, our Elected Officials have done precious little to correct this problem. Thirdly, Banks aren’t to blame, and even if they were - they can’t fix the problem. However, if we take decisive action, this problem can be solved in 18 months.


1. Any property that is abandoned should be seized and auctioned off.

2. 90% of the sales price should go to the Mortgagee as a full and final satisfaction of their loan.

3. 10% would go to the County to cover its expenses.

4. Purchasers must agree to restore the home within 120 days or be fined $75,000 or forfeit the property.

Selig and Associates specializes in Tax Representation before the IRS and State.

We meet with each and every client personally in our conveniently located New York City Offices. Your initial consultation is legally privileged and absolutely FREE.

At Selig and Associates, every client is personally represented by a Federal Tax Practitioner and licensed Attorney.

Same day and emergency Appointments are always available and can now be scheduled Online.

When you’re in trouble with the IRS or State, you need a Vigorous Advocate to step in, stand up, and protect your rights.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Don’t let a Tax Problem take your Joy

The Internal Revenue Service canceled its fourth agency-wide employee furlough day that had been scheduled for this coming Monday, (22 July 2013). "This is a real victory for the workingman” said a relieved employee. Now the IRS will be able to assist even more taxpayers and all of us (approximately One Hundred Thousand IRS employees) won't lose a day’s pay! Thank goodness indeed.

David Selig and Bradley Dorin of Selig and Associates, Inc recently reviewed the government’s case against a well-respected surgeon in South Dakota, and have determined [after conducting a laborious 2-month study] that this matter should have been resolved civilly and that criminal charges for tax evasion and tax related crimes should not have been filed. In this particular case, the doctor appears to have been misled by what Selig referred to as “faulty investment advice”. This notwithstanding, the good doctor was charged and subsequently convicted of 13 felonies. Specifically, five counts of income tax evasion, five counts of filing false tax returns and three counts of failing to report assets held in foreign banks. The lesson - Settle your tax problem before it gets away from you.

Selig and Associates

You’ve lost that Loving Feeling:

Like a nimble-footed gazelle, I’ve learned to avoid life’s metaphorical lions, e.g. malevolent malpractice attorneys, predacious profiteers, insurance peddlers, stockbrokers, flirtatious pharmaceutical reps and sundry other salespeople. I’ve remained compassionate and can maintain a mild disposition even when I’m frustrated. As a rule, I listen closely (even to hypochondriacs) and when my friends ask me for the wrong type of help (usually an opioid) I tactfully decline. I am a devoted father, a loving husband and a better than average tennis player. I’ve been acknowledged by my peers and have been published in several journals. I’ve traveled across Europe and am proficient in three different lounges. And now, irrespective of these accomplishments, I have a tax problem that’s ruining my life.

The last line got my attention. You see up until that moment I was trying to watch our team practice and Dr. H (whose usually a really nice guy) was ruining it for me. Look, he said seriously, I’m in trouble with the IRS and they’re taking the joy out of practicing medicine. OK I said sincerely, call me tomorrow and we’ll deal with them directly.

Selig and Associates call us directly. 

Originally Posted:

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Is the IRS keeping you from getting a mortgage?

Selig and Associates, Inc. helps people with Tax Problems get the mortgages they need.

At Selig and Associates all mortgages and IRS & NYS installment agreements are prepared and negotiated by Federal Tax Practitioner and MLO David Selig NMLS #1242271 and Attorney and Real Estate Broker Bradley Dorin, Esq.

Selig Team

If you’re interested in buying a new house, or refinancing your existing mortgage, call us directly at (212) 974-3435

Schedule a FREE consultation today Selig and Associates, Inc

Orginally Posted:

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

New Tax Proposal Violates Privacy

If the Administration gets it way - the latest scam to be foisted on the American Taxpayer is coming to an Automobile near you – That’s right Lead-Foot, some old radicals are pushing a brand spanking new idea – That is to say, Big Brother wants to slip a “big black box” into your car and monitor your comings and goings (not to violate your privacy) but to tax you for your individual highway use.

Ringing endorsement: Many of our elected officials (who are supposed to be good stewards of our money but aren’t) glibly endorse the idea because [ostensibly] all of this new found cash can be used to fix our crumbling highways and byways. Hogwash!

In reality, some overly optimistic provocateur a/k/a “a phony government bean-counter” will dawn a pair rose-colored glasses and voilà wildly overstate the projected numbers and thereby “determine with reasonable certainty” how much fresh Green will flow into the public purse. Whereupon our tax and spend representatives, as if to rival the chicanery Dr. Faustus, the Devil and all of that buried gold the Holy Roman Empire printed its currency against, will fritter away all of the imaginary earnings years before its ever received.

Violates Privacy

Share, Share That’s Fair: Proponents of the plan say that it will level the playing field for woman and minorities. “For years, white men of European descent have been buying automobiles and driving them on highways, and thanks to this Big Black Box, they’ll finally pay their fair share!” (emphasis added)

Making a Difference

In addition to representing people and professional practices before the IRS and State, David Selig is a lifelong environmentalist and privacy rights advocate. Selig believes that businesses can be kind to the environment, and still make a profit.

Bradley Dorin is involved with various charitable organizations both here and abroad, and in this capacity devotes a significant portion of his free time to helping the less fortunate.

Selig and Associates Inc is committed to bettering the community in which we practice. This is why David Selig and Bradley Dorin have from time to time agreed to waive or reduce their fees. In this capacity, they’ve helped Veterans, nonprofits, members of the clergy, the wrongly accused, the LGBT community, indigents, seniors, urban daycare centers and prisoners in state and federal correctional institutions. If you have a tax problem that you’d like us to consider, either as a pro bono or as a reduced rate client or if you’d like to support our efforts in this challenging forum, call us directly.

Originally Posted: