On Martin Luther King’s Birthday, Selig and Associates began representing pro bono a single mother whose social security number was stolen. To this end, identity thieves have been using her name and social security number to file fraudulent income tax returns in New York, California and Mississippi.
Our client has had a difficult life, says David Selig of Selig and Associates. She grew up in a depressed area of the Bronx, and as is so often the case, bounced in and out of foster care. Eventually, she dropped out of high school and had an out of wedlock baby. But that was then and this is now – today, she’s holding down a steady job, working 20 hours a week, she’s earned her GED and has her sights set on an associates degree. Excellent!
From the IRS: An Identity Thief (who had been filing fraudulent 1040 tax returns in other people’s names do he could pocket those juicy refunds) was recently sentenced to 33 months in prison and ordered to pay $787,086 in restitution. At sentencing, his hapless “partner in crime” received a lighter sentence of 15 months in prison and ordered to pay only $104,662 in restitution.
According to the Court, from May 2008 through July 2010, these two crumb-bums conspired (with several other identity-stealing criminals who for some unfathomable reason, managed to avoid prosecution) to defraud the United States (not to mention their actual victims) by misappropriating social security numbers and filing false tax returns. Ouch!
Originally Posted: http://nearsay.com/c/11840/11728/identity-thieves-can-ruin-your-life-selig-associates-saves-the-day
Originally Posted: http://nearsay.com/c/11840/11728/identity-thieves-can-ruin-your-life-selig-associates-saves-the-day
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